Tuesday, 19 May 2009

The Buck Stops Where?

So now the Speaker of the house steps down, the first in 300 years. And all lines are now blurred. A mess that crosses all party boundaries. We all had suspicions that the politicians were feathering their nests, but the sheer scale of all this is extrordinary, but hardly surprising, What Douglas (appropriately named) Hogg has done to own such a sprawling estate we can only imagine. The fact living in such property isn't reward enough that sponging off the back of an expenses claim "to clean his moat" is incomprehensible. The greed of these people knows no bounds. And the brazen bare faced arrogance of them to be "only doing what they were entitled to." What Douglas Hogg is entitled to beggars belief, but must involve having a substantial amount of cash tucked away somewhere, presumably tucked away so safe that access to it is so difficult as to facilitate a raid on the public purse for "moat cleaning" services.
That the tax payer has been funding such extortion, as well as bailing out the banks (the banks that charge us for looking after our money), is outrageous. That in these financially highly sensitive times MPs show the same contempt for the public as do the bank CEO's, who escape with their millions whilst leaving the world in the s**t.
Prior to the first Labour government the working class man was purely the source of this fund, and working class man as MP was unheard of, even unthinkable. Commons seats taken by the already privileged, all belonging to to the same gentleman's club. Greed of course has no respect of class. Maybe the modern MP was simply making up for the ghosts of privileges past, and the entitled continuing to take entitlements due. Putting your snout ever deeper in the trough however could only lead to the obvious outcome. Why then, has it taken until this year for this to come to light? What makes 2009 so special? Haven't the halls of power managed just fine up to now? Why this major reform of the rules now when they've worked fine for the last 300 years?

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